Brought to you by South Shore PTSA
Lego Club
Register your K-2nd grade student NOW for after school Lego Club. This club is hosted in the South Shore library Thursdays from 2:30-4pm. Club meets December 1st-February 16th and offers your child the chance to socialize while building with Legos.
The program is FREE but space is limited and offered first-come-first serve based on availability. Students can only attend after completing registration AND you receive a confirmation email for your child to attend.
Email questions to southshoreptsa@gmail.com
Pick up your student at the South Shore front doors promptly by 4 pm.

South Shore is excited to announce we will be participating in the 3rd Annual SESSFA Move-A-Thon to fundraise for our school and our community of schools March 6-17th, 2023. Each year this program is growing and offering more opportunities for students. This is South Shore's largest and only formal fundraising event. Look for our kick off event March 6th at South Shore.
Southeast Seattle Schools Fundraising Alliance (SESSFA)
Sea Dragons Swim
South Shore is NOW offering FREE swim lessons; Your 4th-8th grader will receive 30 mins of swim lessons each week at RBCC.
Click here for more information: Swim Info
Fall 2023 session (Oct-Dec) registration coming soon.

Staff Appreciation
Our PTSA is proud to honor and support our staff through appreciation efforts. The PTSA launched a staff mini grant program for any staff PTSA member to apply and receive $200 toward supplies/activities that directly affect our student body. We welcomed staff back to school with a continental breakfast and will provide cold beverages in the staff lounge to all. Join in staff appreciation by emailing volunteer@southshoreptsa.org
Cultural Night
Announcement coming soon for this event. To be hosted in winter 2023.

School Musical
Announcement coming soon for this year's play including signing up for 3rd-5th graders. We are hopeful for opening night spring 2023!
Art Club
Art Club will be hosted this winter.

Here is a complete list of the South Shore PTSA committees:
Nominating Committee - Identifies future PTSA leaders
Hospitality/Events - Supports in-person member meetings, Back to School BBQ, Cultural Night potluck, and Field Day, develops and maintains event checklist/procedure
Coffee Chat/Family Engagement - Supports Coffee Chat and other Family Engagement efforts throughout the school year
Community Support - Supports Trunk or Treat, Winter Clothing Drive, Family Supply Closet, Family Support Fund, Resource Page on website
Teacher/Staff Appreciation - Supports ongoing teacher appreciation initiatives and spring event
Communications - Supports social media, monthly newsletter, web updates, translation, and posting videos
Fundraising + Grants - Coordinates SESSFA Move-A-Thon and fundraisers, Direct Ask campaign, and passive fundraising awareness (Fred Meyer rewards, employer matching, etc), supports grant writing
Finance - Budget, financial reviews
Membership - Coordinates membership process and represents at other PTSA events
Advocacy - Coordinates with D7 advocacy chair, SCPTA, WSPTA and raises awareness with PTSA events/communications
Volunteer Coordination - Coordinates volunteers for PTSA and South Shore
Bilingual/Community Ambassadors - Representatives from different cultural and language groups support communications, community engagement, and language support
Little Free Library Stewards - Maintain library and coordinate maintenance as needed
Swim Committee - Facilitate and expand the Sea Dragons Swim free swim lessons program
School Musical
Field Trips - Assist teachers in planning field trips
Want to join a committee?