Thank you for considering a donation to South Shore K-8’s PTSA. Your tax deductible donation helps help fill the gap in educational opportunities the district funds, and those we want our kids to have access to. Your donation goes directly back to the school in the form of educational and community building events, field trips, classroom snacks, the 5th Grade Camp, promotion ceremonies, and much more. If you value South Shore student's access to these opportunities, please donate today. Please give what you can.
5% of all donations to South Shore PTSA will be shared with the Southeast Seattle Schools Fundraising Alliance in support of its mission.
How do I donate?
Here are two ways to donate.
One-time donations are always very appreciated. In addition, monthly giving provide a reliable income stream, allowing us to focus more resources on our programs, and less on fundraising.
You can donate online by using the South Shore PTSA’s Square account.
You can make checks payable to South Shore PTSA, drop off at the front office or mail to 4800 S Henderson St, Seattle WA 98118.
Can I make a monthly donation?
YES! Making a recurring donation is as simple as checking a box, and when you do, your credit card will be debited monthly.
Is my donation tax deductible?
YES! All donations are fully tax deductible to the limit provided by law.
South Shore K-8 PTSA is a 501c3 charitable organization. For tax inquiries, including receipts for donations made to the organization, please contact the South Shore PTSA Treasurer at southshoreptsa[at]gmail[dot]com.
I work for a business that may match. How does that work?
Your direct donation to South Shore PTSA may be matched through your employer matching program. The list on this page includes local companies that have matching gift programs. Please inquire with your Human Resources department for details, or if you don’t see your company on this list. Thank you!

Other ways to support
Box Tops for Education
Remember the days of clipping out an submitting box tops? No more clipping - just download the Box Tops app, add South Shore as your school, and scan paper or digital receipts within 14 days of shopping for participating products.
Register shopper rewards cards for Bartell Drugs and other merchants to earn rewards for our school. Also link through this site for online shopping to earn more rewards! Click here to go to the eScrip site.
Fred Meyer/QFC
Register your shopper card here. Use ID#89550. For more information about the program, look here. Fred Meyer will make a donation to our school based on how many people link their cards under this ID.