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Seattle's Children's March | Sat. 6/13

Our amazing Toyia Taylor, who works with our WeApp students is organizing Seattle's Children's March - happening this Saturday, March 13 from 1-5pm at Garfield High School Track and Field. More details below.

Daily 7pm Zoom TONIGHT & every evening until Saturday, June 13th. 

Meeting ID: 392 573 6448, Password: 269715 +12532158782,,3925736448#,,1#,269715# US (Tacoma) Dial by your location:   +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) Meeting ID: 392 573 6448, Password: 269715


Spread the word. Participate.

The Seattle Children’s March is inspired by The Birmingham Children’s Crusade march of 1963, in Birmingham, Alabama, as Seattle’s youth wanted a platform more significant than a trend. A venue to demand an end to police brutality, anti-blackness, and systemic racism in this country.

Too long, black people and black children specifically have felt the weight of white supremacy, and they refuse to accept it. The children are our future and they will be seen and heard.

This march, Sat. June 13th, from 1pm-4pm at Garfield High School Track and Field, is led by black youth and youth of color and needs resources in order for their supporting communities to show up safely and in solidarity with black and brown youth’s demands for the future of their city and for their country.

The children of Seattle envision a world where black children can live without fear of police brutality. A world where black girls from elementary to high school are allowed to express a full range of emotions without being perceived as angry or aggressive. A world where black boys are not seen as men from the moment they sprout their first facial hair. A world where gender-fluid children do not have to hide their feelings from parents or peers. The children see a hate-free world, and they will not stop until it’s a reality.

Join us on Sat. June 13th, from 1pm-4pm at Garfield High School Track and Field as we march in solidarity with our youth leadership and the power of the children.

PRIMARY HASHTAGS #youthshalllead, #SeattleChildrensMarch, #nonewyouthjail, #morethanatrend, #blackchildrenmatter, #blackyouthunite, #myfuturemychoice, #blackkidsactnow Like, comment, follow, subscribe, and share our social media handles as well as RSVP to our Facebook event: Facebook Instagram Twitter Youtube Facebook Event Page We HIGHLY encourage all youth and each family member to repost/share at least one of our social media posts every day. We must keep this information circulating in order to gain widespread support. Every share created using our primary hashtags and the distribution of content will make a HUGE difference in spreading the word of our movement!

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